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The Syncosaurus framework supports token-based authentication. JSON web tokens are utilized in the instructions below, but other token formats like basic authentication and OAuth 2.0 can also be used.


auth token

To use a token, you can directly pass a token string to the Syncosaurus constructor as the auth key's value:

import mutators from '../mutators.js';

const synco = new Syncosaurus({
userID: "my-user-id",
server: "",
auth: "E3B6CD6A-1EDC-49B8-B2CF-7372583145A6",

You can also pass an asynchronous function that returns a token string to the Syncosaurus constructor as the auth key's value:

import mutators from '../mutators.js';
import getToken from '../auth-client.js';

const synco = new Syncosaurus({
userID: "my--user-id",
server: "",
auth: async () => return await getToken(),


Next, an authHandler function needs to be defined:

export default async function authHandler(token) {
try {
const response = await fetch(`${env.authServerUrl}/verify?token=${token}`);
const { payload } = await response.json();
const { userID } = payload;
return userID;
} catch (error) {


Note that for your Syncosaurus server to correctly read, access, and verify your authentication token(s), the authentication handler function authHandler must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The function must be named authHandler
  • The function must be placed in the src subdirectory of your Syncosaurus project. Do not place authHandler.js in a subdirectory of the src directory.
  • authHandler.js must be a module that exports the authHandler function as its default export.

Both the auth token and the authHandler function need to be correctly defined and appropriately handle errors for Syncosaurus to correctly implement authentication in your application.

  • If the above requirements are not met, then authentication will not be configured, and will be skipped.
  • However, the Syncosaurus server will reject a request if:
    • auth is either a string or function and authHandler is a function, and the authHandler function throws any type of error.

If your application correctly follows the above steps and requirements, then your application will have authentication enabled upon successful deployment.